June 10, 2009

white chocolate & pecan blondies

The last thing I cooked in my New Hampshire kitchen before leaving it forever: Nigella Lawson's white chocolate blondies. She uses macadamia nuts, but I used pecans because that's what I had left in my cupboard. There's more to recommend the pecans than my moving-house expediency, however. I like both nut combinations; the pecans, softer than macadamias and a little sweet, complement the fudgy white chocolate really well.

I'm in England now, spending the summer in the Lake District, with strawberries growing in my garden and food to plan for hikes and picnics and road trips to Scotland, among other adventures. Oh, these hills! This place is almost ludicrously lovely.

White Chocolate & Pecan Blondies

adapted from Nigella Lawson, How to be a Domestic Goddess

125 g unsalted butter (this will be just over 1 stick)
250g white chocolate, cut into chunks, or small chips
4 large eggs
1 tsp salt
350g caster/superfine sugar (ordinary granulated sugar will also still work)
2 tsp vanilla extract
300g plain (all-purpose) flour
250g pecans, roughly chopped

25 x 20 x 5cm brownie tin, buttered

Preheat the oven to 340°F / 170°C / gas mark 3. Melt the butter and chocolate either in a microwave or a double boiler. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the salt until light and beginning to whoosh up in volume, then add the sugar and the vanilla, and continue beating until really creamy and thick. Beat in the slightly cooled chocolate mixture and then add the flour and nuts, folding in gently. Pour into your prepared tin and cook for 35 minutes or until set on top and gooey in the middle. Leave for 3-5 minutes before cutting into small squares.


Amanda said...

I don't use white chocolate nearly enough. I want to make this with both pecans and macadamia nuts. They sound like wonderful combinations. And how fun to be in England for the summer! Sounds relaxing and utterly delightful. I hear the Lake District is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your blondies have a nice moist center! There is really nothing more disappointing than a cakey blondie, right?

Kate said...

I have just discovered your blog - it's wonderful! And this recipe... I literally dropped everything and ran out to get the ingredients when I saw those photos! A couple of hours later and I have just finished my first piece with a cup of tea. So yummy! Thanks so much for sharing it :D

jessiegirl said...

i love your blog, heard on the poppytalk that you have a twitter, but i can't find it. please, post a link so i can follow you.


Yesica N. Cook said...

These look fabulous, I'm sooo envying Kaeru! Have fun in UK, hope the sun shines!

Philomena said...

Thanks Kaeru! I'm thrilled to think that I (and chocolate, and pecans) could make you drop everything! Glad you enjoyed your blondies.

Hi Jessiegirl - I'm not on Twitter (not yet, anyway) - I think Poppytalk found out about my blog through someone else's Twitter feed. I'll be sure to post a link as soon as I join. Thanks for visiting O Pistachio!

Lauren B said...

These blondies looked so good as Tastespotting, I just had to take a peek at your blog. You have lovely photos and recipes here. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, are those as delicious as they look? Just found your blog, its beautiful , and what wonderful pictures. I really need to work on my photography skills. I am finding that the most frustrating part of food blogging. HOpe u enjoy the lake district, its not that far from me :D.

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